E-mail management is a must!

Spoken words fly away, written words remain. Even in digital times this is a truism. Only we use less and less pen and paper and instead everything is handled digitally, by e-mail.
The e-mail has therefore been legally valid since some time. However, until now there was no legal framework. In the first book of the Civil Code, which entered into force on 1 January 2023, that gap will be closed (*).
Email management
So, in addition to other business-critical documents, it is important to manage your e-mail traffic in a decisive and structured way.
In most organisations, emails are scattered across different employees, inboxes and folders or they are printed out and tucked away in a paper filing system.
When the document management system such as RecoMatics Smartdoc provides email integration, the business critical email correspondence is stored in one central location. In this way, the e-mails, including their attachments, can easily be consulted by those who need to access them.
Moreover, the saved messages are traceable, searchable and provided with an audit trail and a life cycle. This way, you are always sure that all important mails are stored and managed in the correct, secure way.
(*)Source : De Tijd ‘Wet verankert e-mail als rechtsgeldig communicatiemiddel’