Smartdoc Installation Datasheet

Please fill out the required information as good as possible.

The information provided in this document will be used by your Smartdoc team during the installation day.

This form is preferably completed by someone with a technical background.
The information provided will be used to perform the installation and to contact the responsible person in case of questions.

Thank you!

Technical Contact Person(Required)
Name (Technical Contact Person)(Required)
Operating System for Smartdoc Server(Required)
This information is used to check all prerequisites to install the server environment for Smartdoc
Is this a dedicated server for Smartdoc?(Required)
(Example: “”)
How can we remotely connect to the server during installation?(Required)
How will users authenticate in Smartdoc? (Active Directory is required to authenticate users with the Smartdoc Server)(Required)
This user is required to start the Smartdoc Gateway service and needs proper rights to read Active Directory Groups. Optionally this user can also be used for connection with the SQL database.
Smartdoc Database(Required)
The Smartdoc database will use Microsoft SQL Server to store documents and information.
Smartdoc Database(Required)
SQL Server Authentication(Required)
A user is required to access the SQL Smartdoc database.
Let us know if there is anything else we should consider or if you have any questions.
Your Name(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.