Automated production and logistics fits CIREX like a glove

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Technologie utilisée

SAP Business One

A propos de notre client

CIREX est un partenaire de développement et un fabricant de composants de précision en acier. L'entreprise fournit des pièces moulées complexes à l'industrie internationale, telles que des pièces pour voitures, des outils et des machines (de grue). En collaboration avec Amista, CIREX continue de mettre en œuvre des optimisations dans sa production et sa logistique entièrement automatisées, soutenues par SAP Business One. L'entreprise a réparti ses activités sur quatre sites. Outre le siège aux Pays-Bas (Almelo), il y a deux succursales en République tchèque (Koprivnice) et un site en Slovaquie. Au total, environ 320 personnes travaillent au sein de Cirex. Le chiffre d'affaires de l'entreprise s'élève à 35 millions d'euros.

CIREX and SAP Business One

Together with partner Amista, CIREX continues to make optimizations in fully automated production and logistics, supported by SAP Business One.

Challenges & benefits

Challenges & opportunities

  • Logistical challenge as products for different phases of production are moved back and forth between the Netherlands and both locations in the Czech Republic
  • Production losses and delays in deliveries due to unstructured coordination, information exchange via e-mail and administrations non-integrated by production locations


  • Flexible solution without customization was a hard requirement. SAP Business One was quickly adaptable to CIREX’s needs without customization
  • SAP Business One has intercompany integration that other software does not offer
  • Lots of proven experience with software projects of an international nature


A fully automated factory is located in the Netherlands, where robots and automated vehicles manage the entire production chain, from the moment of order to delivery. This advanced approach results in increased service levels for customers, thanks to improved delivery reliability. The accurate understanding of both productivity and efficiency has resulted in significant financial savings.

One integrated environment provides a single version of the truth that is accessible across all locations and stakeholders. In addition, this system provides the ability to effortlessly connect other sites, giving the company room to grow and expand without sacrificing efficiency and consistency.

Contact us about the possibilities

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